Snap! Raise Fundraising Sign Up by Thursday


Dear Grant Football Parents and Family,

As our program is going through COVID-19, we are preparing for the season and staying positive that it will happen. We have been struggling to get the funds needed for this year’s program, as businesses are struggling and students will be unable to go door to door to sell the discount cards that we usually sell each year. Cards have been one of our largest sources of income for the team, second only to the generous business support. We have decided to join an online fundraiser called Snap! Raise for all athletes and families to participate in. This is the only way we will earn enough funds for the season. Snap! Raise has been finding great success from friends and family at this time, as most understand the difficulty sports programs and kids are going through. Because we have a high demographic of underprivileged Athletes, our program has a much higher need than most. 

******Please have your Athlete fill out his sign in and fill out the profile before Thursday morning. It will only take a few minutes

The link to sign up is below. Every Athlete in the program is expected to participate. We will help kids find emails that don’t have enough, but they must sign in to the site and make a profile by Thursday morning.

For the past six years, Snap! Raise has helped more than 35,000 groups in the U.S. raise more than $400M in funding! We are excited to get started and have one very IMPORTANT vital request.

We ask that you help identify at least 20 people your child will reach out to via Snap! Raise, and gather their email address so your child can preload them onto their profile prior to December 3, The list of 20 people should include many of your child’s biggest fans and needs to be completed in full to ensure our campaign is set up for success. It is our hope and expectation that each group member will have a major impact on our program.

Here are the next steps:

· Help your child select at least 20 potential supporters

· They will need to create their profile, add a photo of themselves (something a grandparent would approval), select prizes and gear, add their 20 emails or more potential supporters, and have 10 cell numbers of their biggest supporters (5 of them can be the same person off their email list)

· Avoid using emails of teachers, peers of your child, or strangers or Coaches

*Important* Your child will receive an invitation from Snap! Raise to sign up for the campaign, there a 4:00 minute video that walks them through the steps and how to enter in the 20+ email addresses prior to November 15th.  Please be sure your child completes their profile and adds a photo of themselves.  There should be only 1 account per child.

Here are 20 examples of people you should consider adding:

1. Parent(s)/Guardian # 1
2. Parent(s)/Guardian #2
3. Grandma
4. Grandpa
5. Cousin(s)
6. Uncle(s)
7. Aunt(s)
8. Family doctor
9. Orthodontist/dentist
10. Church/Social leader
11. Scout/troop leader
12. Family friend #1
13. Family friend #2
14. Former coach
15. School alumni
16. Local business that knows you
17. Neighbor(s)
18. Parent co-workers(s)
19. Friend of parent
20. Adult sibling(s)

 ***Your contacts are strictly private and protected, and never sold or shared***

Snap Fact Overview: 

1. Safe and Protected - Snap! Raise is the safest online donation campaign available. All data is private and never used for any purpose other than driving direct support for our program. Your student’s information on the Snap page is less detailed than what would be on a typical team website roster. 

2. Online Donation Platform - Reach potential donors via email, social media, and text to ask them to support our program and visit the page, where they can seamlessly donate.

3. Email Strategy – One initial email is sent directly from your student’s profile once entered. There are up to three reminder emails sent to potential donors, with an option to unsubscribe. Once a donation is made, the supporter is removed from the follow-up list and sent a thank you email from your student’s profile.

4. Network - Snap’s platform and the process are what make their campaigns so successful. It allows an extensive reach across communities by providing options to connect with multiple donors and their social networks, maximizing our raising efforts.

We are looking forward to this fundraiser helping to cover our cost for gear, fees, scholarships, team meals, cleaning supplies and PPE, equipment, and something special for the seniors. We want to continue to elevate the quality of our program and enrich your student’s experience.

 I appreciate your support!

Thank you,

Coach Beck and Karmen von Arx
Friends of Grant Football