November 2020 Update


November 2020 Newsletter

Hello Grant Football, Parents, and Guardians!

Our district is allowing us to continue practices. Good news for kids. In the month and a half of practices, PIL has had NO Covid cases linked to sports. The PIL Athletic Administration has approved High School programs to continue their outside workouts. We will continue to go Mondays and Thursdays from 4-5:20ish approximately. Please dress for the weather.

Practice times have been moved to Monday and Wednesday. NO THURSDAY PRACTICES FOR NOW. 

Also: No practices the week of November 23rd thru the 27th due to Parent-Teacher Conferences and the Thanksgiving break.

I am sure you have all begun to notice the great change in your sons as they have had the opportunity to work out and socialize and have contact with our awesome coaches. One of the hardest things to watch with my own son during the pandemic has been his feeling of being lost without sports. I have noticed a dramatic change since the start of the workouts with some sort of normalcy in his life. 

Sports in our state have become a hot topic with many different articles and info from around the country that have come out in support of the importance of athletes staying active even amongst Covid fears. Armed with this Data there have been many advocacy groups working to get athletes back on the field in a safe manner. A Western States Alliance of Coaches(Oregon California and Washington)  has been formed to work in direct contact with OSAA and The Oregon Association Coaching Alliance. Coach Beck is a Board member on both, so we have been getting updates from him. He and our District Office, our Athletic Director and Principal have been working tirelessly, advocating to get kids back to sports just as 37 other states have successfully. There are a few groups on Facebook that have made huge gains uniting together. If you would like to join, the largest one is Let Them Play Oregon and Open PDX Schools on Facebook. 

***Please make sure to check your email from Ashley Heacock, our athletic trainer at Grant. She has sent information last week to sign up every athlete at Grant on the Healthy Roster account with Providence Sports Medicine. 

**We are planning an all team fundraiser with Snapraise. Info coming soon. We are struggling to get the funds needed for the program that is needed, as businesses are being cautious at this time and the players cannot do door to door card sales. 

Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving, 

Karmen von Arx
Friends of Grant Football. 

Prep School Option for Seniors

Because this is such an odd time we wanted to make sure players were aware there are 5-year playing options to look into at Prep schools. Below is one to look into if you are considering that route. 

Milford Academy's PG Football program is recruiting football players graduating in 2021 (as well as 2020 grads who missed this past fall season) who are looking to significantly improve their college recruiting.  

Please email me the cell #, email, and Hudl link of any 2021 and 2020 grads who you believe can compete at the collegiate level and benefit from our academics and the exposure/experience our college JV schedule and recruiting history provides.

We just completed its 53rd year with five games and all NCAA academic requirements, including Army JV and Army Prep - with ZERO Covid issues!

Milford Academy is a full academic one-semester (Aug to Nov) football-only school, competing against D1A and D1AA college JV programs.  Our target prospects are a) offered and would-be offered athletes needing GPA and/or test improvements, and b) underrecruited athletes you believe to have the potential to earn football scholarships at D1A, D1AA, or D2 levels.

There is NO loss of eligibility.  Download our Brochure PDF at the top left of Milford Academy’s home page to learn more.

Quick Facts:
-An average of 60% of our students enter college in January following our PG semester with 5.5 years to play 4, the remainder enter in August.

-We had 17 players in 10 FBS bowls last season and average between 10 and 30 players in FBS bowls each year.

-We average 50 players per year in D1A and 50 in D1AA programs nearly every year.

-12 alumni were drafted or signed NFL contracts last season.

-Our students increase an average of 120 - to 130 points on the SAT every year.

-Milford has generated over 600 D1A and D1AA scholarships for our players over the past 20 seasons.

-Milford Academy has been the premier PG football program in America for over 53 years. 
-Bowl Boys by Year:

 -Recent NFL Alumni Include:
LeSean McCoy, RB - Buccaneers
Shonn Greene, RB – Jets & Titans
Cameron Artis-Payne, RB – Panthers
Terrance Knighton, DT – Broncos, Redskins & Patriots
Tyler Matakevich, LB – Steelers & Bills
Jake Dolegala, QB - Bengals & Patriots
Blessaun Austin, CB - Jets
Ka'dar Hollman, CB - Packers

Contact me anytime for more information.

Coach Buff Bowen
Recruiting Coordinator
203-733-8851 c

A PG semester offers many advantages over Juco, college walk-on, and "limited" PG programs (a high school limited to 4 PG football players). Athletic, financial, and academic goals should ultimately determine which option is best for each student-athlete.

Below are some comparative advantages of a PG semester:

NCAA Eligibility:
PG: Zero loss of eligibility.
PG: Enables 5 to 5.5 years to play 4.
PG: An average of 60% of Milford Academy’s athletes attend college in January following our season.
PG: Many graduate in 3.5 years and attain their Master’s degree while on a college scholarship.
Juco: Averages 1 to 2 years of lost eligibility.
Walk-on: A year of eligibility is lost each year.
Limited PG: Zero loss of eligibility.
Limited PG: 5 years to play 4. Most require a full year of attendance and tuition.

GPA Requirements:
PG: NCAA sliding scale (GPA + SAT/ACT).
Juco: 2.5 in a full schedule of core classes.
Walk-on: Remain academically eligible in the school.
Limited PG: NCAA sliding scale (GPA + SAT/ACT).

Game Schedules:
PG: College JV (D1A JV and D1AA JV at Milford Academy, Including Navy and Army).
Juco: Primarily other Jucos.
Walk-on: Conference teams (once you get on the field).
Limited PG: Another year of high school football.

Academic Support:
PG: Strong if the school offers academics.  Classes are mandatory at Milford Academy with a heavy focus on the SAT.
Juco: None
Walk-on: None
Limited PG: Very strong - classes are mandatory over a full year.

Average Costs:
PG: $19k to $23k / semester (discounts for lump payments are available).
PG: Greatest opportunity to eliminate or minimize future college costs.
Juco: $12k to $20k / semester (financial aid is available). Costs add up over multiple semesters.
Walk-on: $25k to $35k / semester (financial aid is available). Costs add up over multiple semesters.
Limited PG: $30k to $40k / semester (financial aid is available). Costs add up over multiple semesters.

Playing Time:
PG: Excellent - goal is to get every player recruited.
Juco: Good - 3 class years compete for time.  Must remain academically eligible.
Walk-on: Very tough - always behind scholarship players and incoming transfers.
Limited PG: Excellent - team and game competition is the lowest of these options.

Recruiting Opportunities:
PG: Greatest college football recruiting advantages.
PG: Great college game experience.
Milford Academy's D1A and D1AA JV games provide the greatest competition among PG programs.
600+ players have earned scholarships at Milford Academy over the past 19 years.
PG: Increased physical, mental and emotional preparedness.
Juco: Good college football recruiting advantages (loss of eligibility is not attractive to some colleges).
Juco: Good college game experience.
Juco: Increased physical, mental and emotional preparedness.
Walk-on: Increased physical, mental and emotional preparedness.
Walk-on: Can transfer with remaining eligibility.
Limited PG: More attractive to Ivy and little Ivy colleges. Strongly recommended having a college commitment first.