Football Summer Practice Update

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Dear Grant Football Families,

As you know, there are many questions and plans regarding  this upcoming football season. We have heard from the district and have a NEW start date, but one which may also change again. As we get more information, we will keep you updated.

Note from coach: 
Players and Parents: PIL Athletic Administration has set a "tentative" start date for summer workouts for Monday July 13th. All players MUST be registered on Family ID -Family ID BEFORE they come to any summer workouts. Please refer to the Below link to sign up for football/summer workouts on Family ID before practices start ASAP 

Please stay positive and continue your individual workouts. More information as we get it. 

Coach Beck


Other changes that will be very important:

-Athletes MUST bring their own water bottles. No community drinking areas will be offered AT SUMMER WORKOUTS. 

-Don’t forget to invite any Male athletes that want to workout with the football team, all are welcome, with no commitment necessary. MUST SIGN UP ON FAMILY ID ALSO, EVEN IF THEY DONT END UP DOING A FALL SPORT. NO COST.  

-We may need parents help to maintain the standards needed for temperatures and sterilizing during practice and workouts. 

-It is highly recommended for each athlete to carry their own hand sanitizer. We do not have water on the field. 

-We will not be doing team meals of any kind while training and may be limited once the season begins.

-Fundraising from area businesses has been at a complete standstill and the program still has all the same costs. We won’t be sending players door to door for card sales which is also a big part of our budget. Some ideas we have include:

    ⁃    doing an auto-pay campaign and asking families to donate $10-25 a month through the year.

    ⁃    Email/text campaign by athletes

    ⁃    Some sort of workout-a-thon

Please reach out to us if you have any other ideas or company’s you feel we could contact and the best contact name, number or email. 

We are excited for the season to start and get these guys finally moving!!


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