Info from Coach on Workouts and a Word from our Board

Dear Grant Football Players:

First off we all need to remember that we all need to do our part by being socially responsible and to practice social-distancing to help curb the spread of the virus. 

Secondly there are things you can do to try to keep Athletic gains many of you have made this year.  Please see the list below for helpful ideas to help you and our program to progress even though we are not together:

Follow a 3-5 day a week workout routine while following social-distancing.

A: If possible contact Coach Melson to work with him on individual training and ideas.
B: If "A" is not possible and you will be doing your own workouts...please keep these things in mind. (Talk to a buddy or two about what your plan is...and what each of you are doing...this holds each other accountable and gives new training ideas to your teammates).
C. If doing your own program here are some ideas:

-1. Complete a warm up run...usually a good 400 meters.

-2. After warm up you need to complete a Dynamic stretch 

-3. Your workout should incorporate upper body (I e. - pushups / pullups / bench dips / overhead press / etc) / Lower body (i.e. - lunges / step ups / Air squats / Hill running / etc.) / Explosion (i.e. - Burpies / Tuck Jumps / Rocket Jumps / squat jumps / etc) / Core

(I.e. - plank series / V ups / pelvic tilts / arch ups / etc) / Speed-Quickness (i.e. - short sprints 5-10-15-20's / jingle - jangle runs / shuffle - turn and sprint / etc.)

D. Watch HUDL:  Film of upcoming some scouting! / Get into the new Offensive Playbook - become familiar with formations - motions - schemes...reach out to Alex Grandjean with questions. / Review Defensive Playbook and ask questions to Coach Melson...he is working on some new things! 

E. Save Money for online store and new cleats if opening soon. 

F. Help by doing chores around the a good student by reviewing your classes...even without being told to. 

Special Note: When we get back together our off-season program may be different then it has in the past...but rest assured it will be the very best one that gives us every opportunity for success!  By the to your spring sport teammates and support them...stay healthy - positive and respectful to everyone's needs. More information periodically. 

If you have any questions please contact me,

Coach Beck 


Cell: 541-414-8803

The Grant Football Board hopes this finds you all healthy and not completely bored or stressed on how to proceed forward in this unprecedented times. We are especially heartbroken for our players and especially the Seniors with the uncertainty that they must all be going through. 

We wanted to give you a little bit of information that is relevant to moving forward and what players can be doing now to stay in shape. Some of our team sponsors are seeing tough times and we would love for our families to consider supporting them first with your dollars. With our partners and their generous support, we were able to forgo asking parents to raise the many funds needed to keep our players well equipped and well coached. Our restaurant Partners, NOHOS and Blind Onion are still doing take out from and could really use your business. By the way, NOHOS sponsored our PIL Football Champions Shirts for the boys to pick up from Coach Beck if they have not already. A big thanks to them!!

We would also like to mention that many in the community have contacted us, thinking we are having team practices on the field, and they are not happy about it. Although we are not holding practices, there are enough people on the field playing, they think that we are. We would like to remind players that there is a strict 10 person social limit and want neighbors to see the football team as good community partners. Although we have nothing to do with who is on the field and in the park, we would like our players to be safe and help others stay safe.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions at

Friends of Grant Football 

P.S. JUNIOR parents and players. Please submit your favorite football action shot (you can find all of them on the friends of grant football website under resources) to be used next year for marketing. Please send  to email. Biggest file of pic is best.

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